Services international clients

Prenup / cohabitation contracts

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Buying a house in the Netherlands

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(International) inheritance settlement

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International clients and expats

We are specialized in helping international clients and expats. We’re here to assist you with all aspects of property deeds, mortgages, wills, prenups and cohabitation contracts. Whether you’re purchasing a new home or investing in real estate we’re committed to making this a seamless process. We can also help you with expanding your business to the Netherlands, by incorporating a Dutch B.V. or other legal entity.


What can we do for you?

    • advising on and drafting of wills
    • advice and drafting of prenuptial agreements and cohabitation contracts
    • transfer of property in the Netherlands
    • advice on (international) inheritance settlements
    • incorporate a Dutch legal entity


With a will, you make sure your inheritance goes to the right people. A good will is also important if you want to save inheritance tax for your heirs. In a will you can assign special roles, such as appointing an executor who settles the inheritance or in case of minors: a guardian and administrator.

Do you have assets abroad? Then it is even more important to arrange your inheritance properly in a (Dutch) will.

prenuptial agreement / cohabitation contracts

If you live together or have wedding plans, it is important to think about sharing your income, possessions and debts, during the relationship but also in case of divorce. Arrangements about this are set down in a prenuptial agreement, a partnership agreement or a cohabitation contract. Drawing up or amending a (prenuptial) agreement is advisable in the context of saving inheritance tax.

Does your partner have a different nationality or do you live abroad? Then it is very important to have clarity about which country determines the rules that apply to your form of relationship. We can advise you whether it is possible and wise to choose Dutch law.

Buying a house in the Netherlands

Are you searching for a new home? The notary plays a crucial role in the process of buying a property in the Netherlands. Our primary function is to ensure that the transaction is legally binding, transparent, and compliant with Dutch law. Futhermore, the notary ensures that the ownership of the house is transferred to the buyer and the sale proceeds are transferred to the seller, fair crossing, via a third party account.

It’s crucial to have a good understanding of Dutch property law and regulations. Hiring a qualified notary is highly recommended to guide you through the process, especially if you’re not familiar with the Dutch language and legal procedures. Additionally, consider seeking legal and financial advice to ensure a smooth and successful home purchase.
JULI Notaris is more than happy to assist you with:

  • the review of your pruchase agreement;
  • the transfer of ownership of your house (drafting a deed of transfer);
  • establishment of a mortgage (drafting a deed of mortgage);
  • advising and unburdening you in the purchase of your home.

(International) inheritance settlement

Are you an heir of someone with assets in or outside Europe, a different European or non-European nationality, or with a foreign residence or foreign will? We can help you settle this inheritance.

Inheritance within Europe
We find out if there is a will and where the last will was made. Together we look at how to prove your rights as an heir in another country and how to accept the inheritance. Finally, we make sure that the assets abroad can be put in your name. For this we consult with an advisor or authority abroad.
If a European certificate of inheritance is requested abroad, we can also take care of that.

Inheritance outside Europe
Do you encounter practical problems? We find out which documents you need to prove your rights as an heir abroad or in the Netherlands. We coordinate this with an advisor or authority abroad.
Together we look for a practical solution so that the legacy can be put in your name.

We are here when you need us!


Erasmuslaan 5
3584 AZ Utrecht